How to apply in china for study scholarship in Urdu
Today i will guide you for foreign students in china that how you can get Study Tour or Study Scholarship in Chines Universities This is very easy. One Thing which i want to clear for all of you is that actually we Asian People never like to searh we just like to get shortcut. Any How what ever you like Here am for you to inform you how to apply for Study in China for Scholarship. There is more than 200 Best Universities in China which offer you Super Study Plans free of cost. DO you know you just have to make your Bag to go for Study in China all the Expenses will be paid by the China Government.
china study abroad or Chines Universities offer in Two Languages of Study one is In Complete China language the Second Opportunities is in English Language. So where ever you Form you can apply for Study Scholarship in China. This is Help desk for all Students who are Really interested in China study Planning. TO day am going to Promise with you That this will be a complete Help corner for your Study. Just ask any question in the end of this post if there is: If you are searching how to apply in china universities for Free or Scholarship Study let me explain what is the Procedure of Applying in Real way.
What is the Procedure of Applying for China Study Scholarship:
How to apply in china for study scholarship in Urdu
This is Online Method of applying in China and you can get the batter chances of Study in China. If you belong from any under developing country let me say very confidently this article will provide you big information on Study Planning in foreign. Actually here we are discussing about China study scholarship so Here i will completely discussed about Chines Council Scholarship which is Offered every year from all over the world to come and join them for study purpose. You just have to need some important things for this Procedure but do not worry i will guide you step by step.
The procedure is very simple Now be ready and read care fully am going to share the procedure of applying the method of china study this is very easy task but you will need to be stay connected even you have so many question in your mind just comments us. The common problems which you can face i have shared all the question about this procedure. So here are the basic Points Let focus all these one.
Most Important Information You must have Before Applying in China:

The Question which can be asked online for Online Study in china and all necessary information which are required for this Study planning are give below first complete your information and then comes to part second where you have to apply.
- Your First Name
- Your Last Name
- Your Father Name
- Your Complete Mother Name
- Your Passport Number
- Your CNIC Number ( May be required)
- Your Date of Birth
- Your Mother Date of Birth
- Your Father Date of Birth.
- Your O/Level Study Information( Year of applying/Year of Results announced.)
- Your intermediate information like ( Year of applying/Year of Results announced.)
- Your Bachelor Study Information like ( Year of applying/Year of Results announced.)
- Your Master Degree Complete Information like ( Year of applying/Year of Results announced.)
- The University name where you are Going to apply
- Main website where you have to apply
- Process of Registration
- Chinese Universities Agency Number
These are some most important information which they will ask we you comes to the Main / Official website for Chines Study scholarship. in first term i will suggest you to complete your Passport and then comes to the next level. Mean when you get your Passport find out all the mention above information and than read the second option where you have to apply for China study.
All information are given for those who are interested for English Study Tour I Do not know the Chines Process of Applying So please do not waste your time if you are searching Chines study planning / chines degree. This post is completely about English.
Part 2: Where You have to Apply the Official website for Applying for Study in china.
No needed to go any agency or Third party who demand much more money just try a little efforts on your own behalf and i promise you will surely go to china for your study planning. I will very soon share a Good Procedure of Applying in china in Urdu for those who love to read in urdu. So comments us for this need if there is any one. But here is the Official Information for China study how to apply officially In chinna we will guide you in detail This is Part 2nd where i will guide you applying in china.
Let here are some Points to fallow in Part 2nd for Free Study.
1. Click on the Official website link.
If you use Internet explorer for this Site opening that will be Good for your.
2. Here you will find the option of LOGIN / Registration.
So you do not have user name or Pass world click on Registration and Put your Basic information. As Discussed in part one.
3. After Registration You will be authorized to go through applying for your Study plan.
4. When you got User name and password first of all Select the University where you like to apply.
5. For Option no 4 you will need to find Universities you can find University name form the Home Page of this website.
6. After you select the University you must have to find agency number for Login in Registration Process.
7. Get University Agency number and Go to your User and Password option Provide all information as they will ask in the
detail of these Options.
8. Do not worry they will ask maximum information as discussed above nothing more else. So go the the Process.
9. In the end you will have to submit the File to the Browser and you can download the Form of Application.
10. This end you have done the Job.
Now what I have to Do after Getting the Registration Online In China:
First you have Completed your Online Registration I will guide you how move for the Next level but Am sure this is big enough for today and am sure you have got much more informative collection about your foreign studying planning. Let me ask if there are still any question in your mind for Online Registration in china. All basic question and basic Information have shared in detail and am
confidently hopeful that you will be happy for all this. Please share your Comments and you can ask any kind of question if there is.
For next level i will update the Post very soon.
اگر آپ چائینہ سڈڈی فری ویزہ پر جانے کے خواہش مند ہیں اور آپ کو اس ُپوسٹ کے بارے میں مزید کچھ جاننا ہے تو ہمیں کمنٹس کیجیے اپنی قیمی رائے اور تجربات بھی شیئر کریں تاکہ نیو یوزر آپ کی شیرینگ سے مستفید ہوں۔
اگر آپ چائینہ سڈڈی فری ویزہ پر جانے کے خواہش مند ہیں اور آپ کو اس ُپوسٹ کے بارے میں مزید کچھ جاننا ہے تو ہمیں کمنٹس کیجیے اپنی قیمی رائے اور تجربات بھی شیئر کریں تاکہ نیو یوزر آپ کی شیرینگ سے مستفید ہوں۔
For any kind of information about Chines Universities Agency Number Please Visit the Below link